Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Let me start this post by saying that I am sorry for being a terrible blogger. Really. I am the worst at keeping posted. I am a wife, and a mother, and after those two things, crochet comes first. I have a custom list, and always something I'm trying to get finished, so between that and tending to my kids and husband (yes, he needs tending), I rarely have time to put together a good blog post. Since I already know how bad I am at this, and how little time I have to dedicate to it, it is daunting to even START a post, and so, alas, I tend to go a month or more between posts.

That said, I am going to try to do better. I am super-passionate about all things fiber-related, and I really want to pass on the excitement to my family, friends, fans, and customers. Be it crochet, dying yarn, dying fiber, spinning fiber, processing raw fleece, or (gasp!) attempting to learn how to knit (my 5-months scarf is a whopping 4 inches long), I always have my fingers in some sort of fiber-arts activity. I want to be able to keep you all up-to-date on what I've been doing, what I've finished, what I'm starting, and what I'm stumped on. I welcome comments of all kinds, whether it's a product or post request, constructive criticism, conversation, questions, or really anything short of hate-mail. You can just send that straight to my inbox: rowsandroses@yahoo.com. :)

In order to keep this blog going along, with what little time I actually have for it, most posts will probably be short and to the point. Such as a picture with a caption, and nothing more. Sorry, but that's the only way this is gonna work for me! Starting tomorrow, I will begin keeping everyone informed of what's going on here at Rows and Roses. Thank you for being a fan, and as always, please let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

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