A blog for Rows and Roses- fine custom crochet. I will crochet you ANYTHING, with or without a pattern, your yarn or mine. A new group buy held every month in my Facebook group, www.facebook.com/rowsandrosescrochet Come hang out and chat about yarny goodness, get great deals on awesome products, and follow me on pinterest ( www.pinterest.com/rowsandroses ) for great patterns, inspirational pics, beautiful yarn, amazing deals, and so much more!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Follow me on Pinterest!
Long time, no post, huh? Sorry. I've been busier than I've ever been IN MY LIFE- and I'm lovin' it!! I'm running a new coop each month in my Facebook group, and they fill up fast! I've all but stopped using my Facebook biz page, since FB charges businesses now just for fans to see their posts :/ That makes me angry, so I've moved 99% of my activity into a private group. But you can totally join, if you haven't already! Just go request, and I'll approve you as soon as possible. And make sure you have your notifications turned on; so much great stuff is happening, you don't want to miss out! We're doing flower bookmarks for Mother's Day as the April coop, but there are limited spots available, so get your's before they're gone :) I'm also on Pinterest now. I've had a personal account for quite a while, but now I'm on as Rows and Roses crochet. Everything you can imagine having to do with crochet, knitting, patterns, yarns, colorways, tips and tricks, and so much more. If you care ANYTHING AT ALL about yarny goodness, be sure to come follow. I also have a new retail shop on the brand-new website for independent hand-made sellers, indieCart.com Be sure to come check it out. Kim Russo of KimberlyR dyeworks is now the exclusive supplier of wool to R&R. And there may *possibly* be a collaberation with Happy Hausfrau Soap Company in the future. There really is just so much going on right now, please come join in and be a part of the fun! I love to hear from my customers, so please, drop me a line anytime. I'd love to see your creations, answer how-to questions, and hear your recommendations for future coops. You can post in my Facebook group, send me an email at rowsandroses @ yahoo . com, or just comment here on the blog. Thanks so much for your support :)
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