A blog for Rows and Roses- fine custom crochet. I will crochet you ANYTHING, with or without a pattern, your yarn or mine. A new group buy held every month in my Facebook group, www.facebook.com/rowsandrosescrochet Come hang out and chat about yarny goodness, get great deals on awesome products, and follow me on pinterest ( www.pinterest.com/rowsandroses ) for great patterns, inspirational pics, beautiful yarn, amazing deals, and so much more!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Welcome to Rows and Roses! Crochet, dye-services, and spinning services!
This is a blog for my at-home crochet business, Rows and Roses. I do pretty much anything having to do with yarn and fiber. I crochet, and am learning to knit. I love to dye my own yarn, and I am learning to dye fiber. I am a novice spinner. I am in the process of working on a raw fleece (clun forest) right now: washing, carding, and dying, and eventually blending it with other fibers and spinning it. I am a mother of three children. I am in the process of becoming as "crunchy" as I can manage. I breastfeed, cloth diaper, babywear, co-sleep, buy organic, clean with vinegar, and am always looking for new ways to become more natural.
This blog is for giveaways and product testing. It is to be used mostly in connection to my facebook page www.facebook.com/rowsandroses because facebook has changed all their guidelines on contests and giveaways, and now it is almost impossible to host something without having it deleted. I will announce giveaways on the FB page, but you will have to enter here on the blog. Sorry for the roundabout inconvenience, but this seems to be the easiest way to get things done :)
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