Since my two washcloths turned out so well, and with minimal swearing, I decided to take it to the next level. No, not the multi-garment in the Craftsy class, not yet anyway :)
I found a pattern on Ravelry that stood out to me. I wear tank tops a lot, especially since I'm breastfeeding (still). I can pull my top shirt up, and the tank top down, and still be pretty modest. So, needless to say, I need more shirts to wear on the OUTSIDE. Enter amazing pattern I found:

I love the look of this. Simple, yet complex-looking. Perfect for wearing over my tanks, keeping me modest, and yet with enough ventilation to keep me cool (yeah, right) in the 105 degree weather the good ol' South is known for in the middle of summer.
I just so happened to have some pretty cool yarn I got from a swap, and I have never ever used anything like this. It is a blend of 50%wool and 50%hemp.
Yeah, I don't get it. Why would someone think to blend those fibers? Well, for this top, obviously. The hemp is a little scratchy, but it won't be worn next to the skin and is sure to soften up after washing. And the muted, dusky red won't make me look like... well... the I'm-trying-out-for-an-80's-music-video that real red always does to me. So, it's a win-win. Yarn that is beautiful, was free, can't be used for anything else (that I can think of) and an awesome pattern I can't wait to try.
Here's me so far:

Yeah, well, it's a work in progress.
I LOVE COMMENTS!! Please, tell me what you would use this yarn for, if not this top. Tell me if you think this top is amazing. Tell me anything! And thanks for reading about my journey <3